Activities A. Circle the correct words. Arthur (1) heard / was hearing the alarm clock, (2) turned / was turning it off and looked at the date. It was 13th April and it was a Friday. He was a superstitious person and he had been afraid of Friday the 13th since he (3) was / was being a child. Later, (4) as / as soon as he was walking to work, he (5) saw / was seeing a black cat. 'Oh, nol' he (6) thought / was thinking. A black cat means bad luck!' and a few seconds later as he (7) crossed / was crossing the street, a car nearly hit him. Further down the road, a painter on a ladder (8) painted / was painting a wall. Arthur didn't see the ladder because he (9) thought/ was thinking about a problem he had at work. Suddenly he stopped. 'Oh, nol' he thought. "Walking under a ladder brings bad luck!' and a moment later a can of paint (10) fell / was falling at his feet. Fortunately, it (11) didn't hit / wasn't hitting him on the head. In the afternoon, (12) when / while he left the office, it (13) rained / was raining outside so he opened his umbrella. While he (14) walked / was walking home, a strong wind (15) blew / was blowing his umbrella away and he never (16) saw / was seeing it again. When he (17) arrived / was arriving home, all his clothes were really wet and he was exhausted. However, he (18) forgot/ was forgetting everything (19) while / as soon as he (20) read / was reading in the newspaper that he had won first prize in a competition.​


Ответ дал: Аноним



Arthur (1) heard the alarm clock, (2) turned it off and looked at the date. It was 13th April and it was a Friday. He was a superstitious person and he had been afraid of Friday the 13th since he (3) was a child. Later, (4) as he was walking to work, he (5) saw a black cat. 'Oh, nol' he (6) thought. A black cat means bad luck!' and a few seconds later as he (7) was crossing the street, a car nearly hit him. Further down the road, a painter on a ladder (8)was painting a wall. Arthur didn't see the ladder because he (9)was thinking about a problem he had at work. Suddenly he stopped. 'Oh, nol' he thought. "Walking under a ladder brings bad luck!' and a moment later a can of paint (10) fell at his feet. Fortunately, it (11) didn't hit him on the head. In the afternoon, (12) when he left the office, it (13) was raining outside so he opened his umbrella. While he (14) was walking home, a strong wind (15) blew his umbrella away and he never (16) saw it again. When he (17) arrived home, all his clothes were really wet and he was exhausted. However, he (18) forgot everything (19 as soon as he (20) read in the newspaper that he had won first prize in a competition.​

Ответ дал: NebniyWolf

Arthur (1) heard the alarm clock, (2) turned it off and looked at the date. It was 13th April and it was a Friday. He was a superstitious person and he had been afraid of Friday the 13th since he (3) was a child. Later, (4) as he was walking to work, he (5) saw a black cat. 'Oh, nol' he (6) thought. A black cat means bad luck!' and a few seconds later as he (7) was crossing the street, a car nearly hit him. Further down the road, a painter on a ladder (8)was painting a wall. Arthur didn't see the ladder because he (9)was thinking about a problem he had at work. Suddenly he stopped. 'Oh, nol' he thought. "Walking under a ladder brings bad luck!' and a moment later a can of paint (10) fell at his feet. Fortunately, it (11) didn't hit him on the head. In the afternoon, (12) when he left the office, it (13) was raining outside so he opened his umbrella. While he (14) was walking home, a strong wind (15) blew his umbrella away and he never (16) saw it again. When he (17) arrived home, all his clothes were really wet and he was exhausted. However, he (18) forgot everything (19 as soon as he (20) read in the newspaper that he had won first prize in a competition.​

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