Утворити різні види речень. 1) Children watch TV in the evening 2)Tom walks the dog every day 3)My sister sometimes drinks coffee


Ответ дал: buba228228

1) Children watch TV in the evening.

Children don't watch TV in the evening.

Do children watch TV in the evening?

Do children watch TV in the evening or not?

Who watches TV in the evening?

What do children do in the evening?

Why do children watch TV in the evening?

2) Tom walks the dog every day

Tom doesn't walk the dog every day.

Does Tom walk the dog every day?

Does Tom walk the dog every day or not?

Who walks the dog every day?

What does Tom do every day?

Why does Tom walk the dog every day?

3) My sister sometimes drinks coffee

Sometimes my sister doesn't drink coffee

Does my sister sometimes drink coffee?

Does my sister sometimes drink coffee or not?

Who sometimes drinks coffee?

What does my sister sometimes do?

Why does my sister sometimes drink coffee?

Вроде так, не совсем понял, что вы имеете ввиду под "Різними видами речень"

solnuskotvoyo: Вы лучший, спасибо вам большое
solnuskotvoyo: А то что я написала "різними видами речень" "разными видами предложений"
buba228228: перевод я понял, но я не понял что именно надо делать
solnuskotvoyo: Вы все правильно написали , спасибо огромное
buba228228: не за что. успехов и удачи!
solnuskotvoyo: и вам)
Ответ дал: Аноним


  1. Do children watch TV in the evening? // Children don't watch TV in the evening.
  2. Does Tom walk the dog every day? // Tom doesn't walk the dog every day.
  3. Does my sister sometimes drink coffee? Sometimes my sister doesn't drink coffee.

solnuskotvoyo: Спасибо огромное!
Аноним: You're very welcome! :)
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