: Підготувати проектну роботу "Holidays in Ukraine нада написати про свято в Україні день незалежності

LAGAK: Скоріше прошу


Ответ дал: pashchenkoartur24

Independence Day is one of the most important holidays in the heart of every patriot. Ukraine celebrates this event on August 24 for 25 years in a row. Traditionally, celebrations take place on this day: festive parades, laying of flowers at the monuments of famous Ukrainian figures. As a sign of love for their country, lovers dress in embroidered clothes.

Independence of Ukraine is celebrated far beyond its borders. The multimillion-strong Ukrainian diaspora no less loudly celebrates this holiday in Canada, the USA, Brazil, Australia, not forgetting their roots for a moment.

Until this date, our country has been going for more than a thousand years. Since the disintegration of Kyivan Rus, the Ukrainian state has been independent only for short periods of time. Historical conditions were such that Ukrainians were under the oppression of other countries for a long time. They were taught a foreign language, faith and traditions. However, this could not overcome the Ukrainian spirit. Throughout this millennium, there was a hard struggle for independence, and not only on the battlefield, but also on the literary, poetic, artistic, cultural and religious levels.

Hetmanship became the first Ukrainian state after Russia. The courage and military glory of the Cossacks thundered throughout Europe at that time. However, the war of liberation was not successful and the Cossack state gradually lost ground until it was liquidated by Empress Catherine. The history of the Ukrainian People's Republic at the beginning of the twentieth century was also not long.

Ukraine gained real independence after the collapse of the USSR. However, is the struggle of Ukrainians for their freedom over? Obviously not. Today, the Ukrainian state needs great unity and strength of spirit from its sons and daughters. Only in this way will our state be able to become not only a geographical, but also an economic and cultural center of Europe, gain world recognition and enter the club of the most developed countries.

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LAGAK: Велике дякую
LAGAK: Я дуже вибачаюся але ти можеш написати шетяку їжу їдять українці на день незалежності України.
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