3 Complete the sentences. 0 My little brother hasn't got a hat. He's got a coat. 1 My sister. She 2 We We 3 They They 4 My sister. She. 5 You You 61 I a football. a guitar. a bath in our house. a shower. pet fish. a television. a banana. some chocolate. a key. a phone. a hat in my bag. some books. X​



Ответ дал: dualchelovek



My sister has got a football
My sister hasn't got a guitar

We  have a bath in our  house
We haven't a shower

They   have got a pet fish
They haven't  a television

My sister has got some chocolate
My sistter hasn't a banana
You  have got  a key
You haven't a phone
I haven't a hat in my bag

I have got  some books

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