Lisa:I'm hungry.Are there any crisps? Tom:No,There aren't any but there is ham sandwich. Lisa:Great,I'll have the ham sandwich and then an orange.Is there any ice-cream left? Tom:No,there isn't any ice-cream.I'll go to the supermarket.How many tomatoes are there? Lisa:There is only one.We should buy some more tomatoes.Oh! How much butter is there? Tom:There isn't any.And we need some sugar,too.

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Ответ дал: jcf46184


Lucas: I'm so hungry! I haven't eaten since morning, my stomach is grumbling so much! Lana, do you have something to eat in the fridge?

Lana: You ask, of course there is!

Lucas: what exactly? just speak faster!!

Lana: eggs, broccoli, grapes, apple juice, charlotte, peppers and...

Lucas: phew! but, I'm so hungry that I'm ready to swallow it whole...

Lana: There's also pizza, chocolate, sandwiches, Coca-Cola. and that's it

Lucas: Thanks for telling me. now cook me some food!

Lana: ha-ha-ha, okay, okay!

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