Exercise 1. Use: some/any/something/anything/somewhere/anywhere, etc.

1. Are there … photographs of your last summer vacations in this family album?
2. There are … pets in our house.
3. Are there … trees near your house?
4. Is there … water in the kettle? – Yes, there is …
5. Can I have … water?
6. Is there … coffee in the box?
7. There are … students from Poltava in our English group.
8. Are there … balconies in your flat?
9. Is there … pepper in the soup?
10. Did you go … last summer?
11. Do you have … to add?
12. Usually I don’t like to go … on Saturday
допоможіть будь ласка


Ответ дал: AnonimGooby


1some 2 some 3some 4any some 5some 6 a 7any 8anywhere 9 any 10anywhere 11something 12somwhere

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