3.2 Заполните пропуски. 1 2 'How is your grandfather?' Are you cold?' 'No, I'm OK. * He's 3 'Are the children in bed?" "Yes.. 4 The weather is nice today. 5 Andy's favourite sport is tennis. 6 These flowers are nice. How much late. 7 'Sorry 8 How is Lisa? That's OK. well? interested in art?' 9 10 This coat is expensive. 11 It's 9.00 and John isn't here! Why very well. asleep. hot and sunny. very interested in it. ? 'Yes, I am. Very much. three hundred pounds. always late?​


Ответ дал: hoph84305


The weather was very nice. The sun was shining all day. Karen was reading her favourite book, while i was swimming. The sun was setting below the horizont when we left. It was so beautiful.

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