Напишите 10 предложений о счастливой жизни(9 класс для английского ,можно на русском )


Ответ дал: olyanimetova


Happiness is a subjective concept and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to find a universal explanation for this word. For some, life is happy, when relatives smile nearby, a successful career has developed, there are no constraints on money, every weekend is accompanied by trips abroad. And this list can be continued for millions of pages, because all seven billion people have a different worldviewFreedom lies in the possibilities of self-expression and acceptance of this fact by other people (the choice of education, hobbies, friends, future work and even environment). This is not possible without equality. After all, what kind of freedom can we talk about if the rich do not see the problems of the poor, and the poor, in turn, offend the rich for his successes. People are so blind and stubborn that they don’t even want to take off the blindfold of stereotypes and join hands. But it is necessary to become a little kinder and expose human love.Happiness is when people smile because they surprised someone with a gift, pleased with a pleasant compliment, helped carry heavy bags, danced together in the rain, looked at the stars, or saw gratitude in the eyes of a mongrel for a small sausage. This is a minute of the matter, and the heat warms throughout the day.

To become happy, you do not need money, securities, expensive things and ownership of well-known companies. Happiness is a state of SOUL, which means that moral values and good deeds play a key role here. It is a millimeter from us, you just need to reach out to meet!


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