Вставьте притяжательные местоимения, запишите предложения:
1. Nikita has got a new digital camera. This is _____ digital camera.
2. You and Peter have got the same key rings. These are ________ key rings.
3. She has got an American watch. This is ____ American watch.
4. Girls have got many dolls. These are ________ dolls.
5. My friends and I have got stamp collections. These are ________ stamp collecti-ons.
6. I have got a great skateboard. This is ______ skateboard.


Ответ дал: bodnaruktimofey

Відповідь:1. His

2. Our

3. Her

4. Her

5. Our

6. My


Аноним: Cпасибо!
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