Explore adjectives 6** Circle the correct words. 2 1 Lionel Messi is a footballer. He's very(good)/ bad I'm from Russia. It's a very big / small country. 3 Your English is very good. You're lucky / unlucky This is my new mobile phone. I love it! I'm really happy / unhappy with it! 4 5 Shhh! Be quiet / noisy! 2​


Ответ дал: desof7


1. Lionel Messi is a footballer. He's very good.

2. I'm from Russia. It's a very big country.

3. Your English is very good. You're lucky.

4. This is my new mobile phone. I love it! I'm really happy with it!

5. Shhh! Be quiet!

kikitta: ghfdbkmyj bkb ytn
kikitta: правильно или нет
bobrovsergej663: да
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