2. Fill in: since, for
a) I've had this car ___
b) We haven't met ___
c) Bill has worked as a teacher ___
ten years.
d) It hasn't snowed ___
two hours.
e) Nothing has changed here ___
the war.
[ haven't eaten sweets ___
last Monday.
g) He's been on a diet ___
a month.


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


a) I've had this car since June.

b) We haven't met since Christmas.

c) Bill has worked as a teacher for ten years.

d) It hasn't snowed for two hours.

e) Nothing has changed here since the war.

f) I haven't eaten sweets since last Monday.

g) He's been on a diet for a month.


For используется, если указано, как долго длится действие (сколько дней, часов, недель и т.д.)

Since используется, когда указано, с какого момента в прошлом начало происходить действие, выраженное глаголом.

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