Choose the correct relative pronoun in each sentence (1-6).
1 London is a city where/who/which thousands of people visit every year.
2 That's the restaurant whose/which/where we had our end-of-term celebration.
3 This is the book the who/which/whose I'm reading at moment.
4 Josie is the girl whose/who/where father works at our school.
5 This is the film who where which I told you about.
6 Ben is the boy which who/whose joined our class last week ​


Ответ дал: Auhw78qhuuwhu

1 London is a city which thousands of people visit every year.

 2 That's the restaurant where we had our end-of-term celebration.

3 This is the book the which I'm reading at moment.
4 Josie is the girl whose father works at our school. 
5 This is the film who which I told you about.

 6 Ben is the boy who joined our class last week ​

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