Complete the sentences using am being/is being/ are being.

Формула Present Continuous Passive Voice

am/is/are + being + V-ed/3

The children _______ ________ fed by their mother.
2. The game _______ _________ watched by millions of people.
3. ______ I_________ picked up from the airport?
4. You __________ ________ tested next week.
5. The students_________ _________ allowed to leave the building.
6. The hotel rooms_________ __________ cleaned by the housekeepers.
7._________ the electrical work_________ done by an electrician?
8. The extra furniture_______ _________ stored in the basement.

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Ответ дал: faeque

1. The children are beign fed by their mother.

2. The game is being watched by millions of people.

3. Am I beign picked up from the airport?

4. You are being tested next week.

5. The students are being allowed to leave the building.

6. The hotel rooms being cleaned cleaned by the housekeepers.

7. Is the electrical work being done by an electrician?

8. The extra furniture is being stored in the basement.

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