Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Weather Weather ... (to tell) us what is happening in the sky above us. Weather ... (to include) wind, lightning, storms, hurricanes, rain, hail and snow. What ... (to influence) weather? Energy from the sun ... (to affect) it. ... you ... (to know) the difference between weather and climate? Climate ... (to tell) us what kind of weather usually ... (to happen) in an area at different times of the year. Changes in weather ... (to affect) our daily life. We ... (to wear) different clothes and ... (to take part) in different activities under different weather conditions. We ... (to choose) different foods in different seasons. Weather stations around the world ... (to measure) different parts of weather. These measurements ... (to help) people to determine what the weather will be like in the future. People who ... (to work) at weather stations are called meteorologists.


Ответ дал: faeque

Weather tells us what is happening in the sky above us. Weather includes wind, lightning, storms, hurricanes, rain, hail and snow. What influences weather? Energy from the sun affects it. Do you know the difference between weather and climate? Climate tells us what kind of weather usually happens in an area at different times of the year. Changes in weather affect our daily life. We wear different clothes and take part in different activities under different weather conditions. We choose different foods in different seasons. Weather stations around the world measure different parts of weather. These measurements help people to determine what the weather will be like in the future. People who work at weather stations are called meteorologists.

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