Use the Present Perfect,the Past Simple,the Present Perfect Continuous with the verbs in brackets
1. They already ... (to plant) several hundred trees this year. 2. How long --- you (to learn) it? 3. How many English lessons you (to have). 4. I... (to move) into a student ostel last Septem- ber. 5. The children (to watch) television for 45 minutes. 6. His uncle (to leave) for Kyiv in 1990.​ VERY URGENT


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 have already planted

2 have you been learning

3 have you had

4 moved

5 have been watching

6 left


owkwbs: здравствуйте можете ещё раз помочь очень нуждаюсь
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