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Ответ дал: emily021

1 I think Argentina will win the next World Cup

2 A I can't cook today I have too many things to do B don't worry I'm going to help you

3 on Sunday I'm going to invite my mom to have lunch at home

4 Look at the sky!! It's going to rain

6 Oh My God is going to fall

5 I hope I will get a better result next time

7 it is too cold in here I'm going to turn the heater on.

8 i expect the results will be higher next month

9 next month I'm going to be 13

10 these cars are going too fast they are going to crash

11 I believe she is going to go for the gold medal

12 Next year i (will, this one idk.) travel to Italy

Ответ дал: XxMetaliccAxX


1. will

2. 'll

3. am going to

4. will

5. will

6. is going to

7. will

8. will

9. will

10. will

11. is going to go

12. am going to

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