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We have asked them both but … (neither/both) of them knows his address.
He has lived in Milan and Madrid but he didn’t like … (either/neither) of the cities much.
She is very slim. I think she is … (either/neither) a sportsman … (or/nor) a model.
Anna never works all day. She works … (either/neither) in the morning … (or/nor) after lunch.
He has 2 cars, but I don’t like … (either/neither) of them.
She couldn’t choose between them, she liked them … (both/either).
You can take … (either/neither) a bus or a train to get to Oxford.
Would you like fish or chicken? - It doesn’t matter. … (Either/Both) will do for me.
Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - … (Either/Neither), thanks. I don’t like juice.
Would you like some salad or some steak? - … (Either/Both). I’m so hungry.
Doesn’t he use … (either/neither) of his phones?
My old granny could … (either/neither) read … (or/nor) write.
… (Either/Neither) of them invited me, so I didn’t go there.
You should keep … (either/both) hands on the steering wheel.
I don’t like horror films, and my husband doesn’t like … (either/neither).
… (Either/Both) my mother and father have green eyes.
I asked two friends to help me with the test, but … (either/neither) of them knew the answer.
Her dress was … (either/both) black or brown.
Please ask … (either/neither) Fred or Linda to buy some milk.
We can meet … (either/neither) today … (or/nor) tomorrow. I am terribly busy.​


Ответ дал: Animus52Hz


We have asked them both but neither of them knows his address. He has lived in Milan and Madrid but he didn’t like neither of the cities much. She is very slim. I think she is either a sportsman or a model. Anna never works all day. She works either in the morning or after lunch. He has 2 cars, but I don’t like neither of them. She couldn’t choose between them, she liked them both. You can take either a bus or a train to get to Oxford. Would you like fish or chicken? - It doesn’t matter. Both will do for me. Would you like apple juice or orange juice? - Neither, thanks. I don’t like juice. Would you like some salad or some steak? - Both. I’m so hungry. Doesn’t he use either of his phones? My old granny could neither read nor write. Neither of them invited me, so I didn’t go there. You should keep both hands on the steering wheel. I don’t like horror films, and my husband doesn’t like either. Both my mother and father have green eyes. I asked two friends to help me with the test, but neither of them knew the answer. Her dress was either black or brown. Please ask either Fred or Linda to buy some milk. We can meet neither today nor tomorrow. I am terribly busy.​

musaevadiana837: и вам большое спасибо
musaevadiana837: спасибо
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