6 Complete the weather words. In summer, Bangkok is (1) hot and (2) w... In March, British weather is often (3) r____and (4) w Let's not go to the beach today - it isn't (5) s____ It's very (6) f_____.I can't see the road. Is it going to be (7) s______ tomorrow? I want to go s. skiing. It's too (8) w___ to wear a coat today. I'm just going to take a jumper. It was very (9) c___ in Helsinki - the temperature at 11 a.m. was -20°C! It wasn't a good day for taking photographs. The weather was (10) c_ Yesterday was warm. Today, it isn't cold, but it is quite (11) c___.​


Ответ дал: abykanabek


1) hot

2) warm

3) rainy

4) windy

5) sunny

6) foggy

7) snowy

8) warm

9) cold

10) cold

11) chilly

atajanovaumida82: спасибо большое
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