Помогите пожалуйста с английским

Present tenses.
Choose the correct answer.

1) What time does the train leave? I think it ____ at 2 o'clock."

а) leave

b) has left

с) has been leaving

d) leaves

2) She ____ for a job for six months.

a) has been looking

b) has looked

c) looks

d) is looking

3)"Where are Tom and Pauline?"

They ____ to the supermarket

a) have been going

b) have just gone

c) go

d) are going

4) Are you having a honday this year?

Yes.I ___ to Hawaii.

a) have been going
b) go
c) am going
d) have gone

5) You look serious. "Yes.I ___ to solve a difficult problem"

a) try
b) have been trying
C) have tried
d) am trying

6) How is John now?" He ____ better slowly."

a)has been getting

b) has got


d) is getting

'Why is Linda so tired? 'She _ very hard recently '

a) has been working
b) have worked
c) works
d) is working

8) 'Have you got your exam results yet?' 'Yes. I ____ all of them'.

a) am passing

b) have been passing

c) have passed

d) pass

Choose the correct answer.

9) This is a great book. I know.I ___ it twice.

a) have read

b) have been reading

c) read

d) am reading

10) Does Peter now now to dive?

" Of course. He ____ for years now"

a) drives

b) has driven

c) is driving

d) has been driving​


Ответ дал: qirong800


1. d)

2. a)

3. b)

4. c)

5. d)

6. d)

7. a)

8. c)

9. a)

10. d)


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