Срочно!!!!!!!!! Завдання на фото.


oksanamisun9: 1.Determined
2. fussy
3. population
4. workshop
5. suspicion
oksanamisun9: B: Yes, I have. I took part in a salsa workshop in May.
2. I've got so much homework to do! I can't believe that a week ago we were sitting on a beach and I wasn't thinking about school at all!
3. The Prime Minister was giving a speech when, suddenly, the microphone broke.
4. Maria is really generous. She has already given a lot of money to an organisation which helps immigrants.
5. A: So, what did you do on Bornholm?
B: Lots of things. We rode bicycles and we took lots of photos!


Ответ дал: sofijkadavydenko


edit latp date of birth one and a half years in a strict regime colony

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