2 Match the words to their meanings. 1 loose-fitting 2 comfortable 3 smart 4 skinny 5 brand new 6 trendy 7 well-dressed a narrow and fitting closely to the body b wearing attractive, good-quality clothes c large and comfortable to wear d gives a pleasant feeling e having a clean, tidy and stylish appearance f completely new g popular at a particular time
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Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1c loose-fitting - large and comfortable to wear

2d comfortable - gives a pleasant feeling

3e smart - having a clean, tidy and stylish appearance

4a skinny - a narrow and fitting closely to the body

5f brand new - completely new

6g trendy - popular at a particular time

7b well-dressed - wearing attractive, good-quality clothes


1 loose-fitting - свободная (одежда)

2 comfortable - удобная

3 smart - элегантная

4 skinny - плотно прилегающая, одежда в облипку

5 brand new - совершенно новая

6 trendy - модная, трендовая

7 well-dressed - хорошо одетый

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