Выберите один ответ.
1. They are … efforts to improve the sales.
4. doing
2. Nobody wants to work … the direction of this manager.
1 or
2 in
3 under
4 at
3. He has good … to leave this job.
1 opportunities
2 reasons
3 possibilities
4 benefits
4. I finally have _____ to calculate the family budget for this month. Have a look!
1 managed
2 could
3 able
4 succeeded
5. This decision is … for our future work.
1 typical
2 clever
3 smart
4 crucial
6. What is the price … the goods?
1 of
2 at
3 for
4 off
7. Such policy is typical…this company.
1 of
2 on
3 by
4 from
8. Before a customer makes a decision to buy, he or she … the competing products.
1 exchanges
2 compares
3 deals in
4 looks
9. Mr. Spencer has organized and _____ a number of international meetings.
1 went
2 arrived
3 attended
4 presented
10. Do you have access … the information you need?
1 -
2 to
3 in
4 with
11. The test consists … several tasks.
1 with
2 of
3 in
4 for
12. We agreed … our business partners.
1 on
2 at
3 to
4 with
13. Bigger sales account … the profit growth.
1 with
2 in
3 to
4 for
14. Let’s get … to business, there is no time to waste.
1 with
2 in
3 for
4 down
15. It is necessary to find the best … to this problem as soon as possible..
1 issue
2 item
3 solution
4 decision
16. Our new secretary is …, she does her job very well.
1 ineffective
2 efficient
3 inefficient
4 effective
17 . She can … the feedback with the listeners during her presentation.
1 accept
2 maintain
3 support
4 keep
18. This price is not … to us.
1 pleased
2 challenging
3 attractive
4 attracting
19. Mr. Spencer has helped to ____ research and development centers in Europe.
1 set up
2 establish
3 create
4 settle
20. At the same time Tom should not forget to develop a business plan, to … the progress of the company sales.
1 monitor
2 supervise
3 establish
4 maintain
21. They found new … and targeted the segment of family-type small restaurants.
1 employers
2 sales force
3 distributors
4 supplier
22. He and his staff couldn’t lose their customer… .
1 portfolio
2 profile
3 base
4 list
23. We have been placing orders … French wine companies for more than 35 years.
1 for
2 with
3 in
4 to
24. These investors have been helping …. for 10 years.
1 start-ups
2 starts-in
3 starts-up
4 start – ins
25. This is the reason…telling her.
1 of
2 for
3 to
4 by
26. In fact the Internet is very … to small companies.
1 attracting
2 attracted
3 attractive
4 attractable
27. need or demand something
1 require
2 state
3 ask
4 claim
28. He tried to find … their mission but it was a waste of time.
1 out
2 in
3 through
4 on
29. Our suppliers want to increase the price … 3%.
1 of
2 by
3 to
4 on
30. The … of this company are of high quality.
1 goods
2 commodity
3 production
4 product
31. Our new strategy is to break … Latin American market.
1 with
2 to
3 into
4 for
32. An … secretary can help her boss with the most difficult work.
1 efficient
2 punctual
3 responsible
4 flexible
33. Our activity is linked … the foreign market.
1 to
2 of
3 with
4 in
34. Long-term strategy is … for an international company.
1 sufficient
2 crucial
3 insufficient
4 senior
35. This offer is very attractive…us.
1 for
2 to
3 with
4 in
36. Successful companies usually … … experienced staff.
1 look for
2 apply for
3 turn down
4 move out
37. Are you satisfied…the new arrangement?
1 by
2 at
3 with
4 in
38. Her son is very busy… university – he is writing a course paper now.
1 of
2 for
3 in
4 at
39. We cannot … to your terms.
1 favour
2 agree
3 accept
4 reach
40. Now Ford … itself in 200 countries around the world.
1 presents
2 advertise
3 represents
4 presence


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


1. They are … efforts to improve the sales.


(to make efforts - устойчивое выражение)

2. Nobody wants to work … the direction of this manager.

3 under

(to work under the direction of - работать под руководством ...)

3. He has good … to leave this job.

2 reasons


4. I finally have _____ to calculate the family budget for this month. Have a look!

1 managed

(остальные варианты в эту конструкцию не вписываются)

5. This decision is … for our future work.

4 crucial

(имеет очень важное значение)

6. What is the price … the goods?

1 of

(цена товаров)

7. Such policy is typical…this company.

1 of

(typical of - это сочетание надо знать)

8. Before a customer makes a decision to buy, he or she … the competing products.

2 compares


9. Mr. Spencer has organized and _____ a number of international meetings.

3 attended


10. Do you have access … the information you need?

2 to

(have access to smth - иметь доступ к чему-либо)

11. The test consists … several tasks.

2 of

(consist of - состоять из - устойчивое сочетание)

12. We agreed … our business partners.

4 with

(agree with smb - согласиться с кем-либо)

13. Bigger sales account … the profit growth.

4 for

(account for - объяснять)

14. Let’s get … to business, there is no time to waste.

4 down

(get down to - приступить к)

15. It is necessary to find the best … to this problem as soon as possible..

3 solution


16. Our new secretary is …, she does her job very well.

2 efficient

(эффективный/знающий своё дело работник)

17 . She can … the feedback with the listeners during her presentation.

2 maintain

(устойчивое выражение)

18. This price is not … to us.

3 attractive

(устойчивое выражение)

19. Mr. Spencer has helped to ____ research and development centers in Europe.

2 establish

(учредить, организовать)

20. At the same time Tom should not forget to develop a business plan, to … the progress of the company sales.

1 monitor


21. They found new … and targeted the segment of family-type small restaurants.

3 distributors

(нашли новых дистрибьюторов)

22. He and his staff couldn’t lose their customer… .

3 base

(база клиентов)

23. We have been placing orders … French wine companies for more than 35 years.

2 with

(to place an order with smb - заказать у кого-либо)

24. These investors have been helping …. for 10 years.

1 start-ups

(помогают стартапам )

25. This is the reason…telling her.

2 for

(reason for - устойчивое сочетание)

26. In fact the Internet is very … to small companies.

3 attractive


27. need or demand something

1 require


28. He tried to find … their mission but it was a waste of time.

1 out


29. Our suppliers want to increase the price … 3%.

2 by

(увеличить на 3%)

30. The … of this company are of high quality.

1 goods


31. Our new strategy is to break … Latin American market.

3 into

(прорваться на)

32. An … secretary can help her boss with the most difficult work.

1 efficient

(подсказка - форма артикля))

33. Our activity is linked … the foreign market.

3 with

(связана с)

34. Long-term strategy is … for an international company.

2 crucial

(имеет важное значение)

35. This offer is very attractive…us.

2 to

(устойчивое сочетание)

36. Successful companies usually … … experienced staff.

1 look for


37. Are you satisfied…the new arrangement?

3 with

(устойчивое сочетание)

38. Her son is very busy… university – he is writing a course paper now.

4 at

(речь об университете как организации, а не здании)

39. We cannot … to your terms.

2 agree

(agree to smth - согласиться на что-то)

40. Now Ford … itself in 200 countries around the world.

3 represents

(компания представлена/присутствует в...)

elenamikhailyuta: Здравствуйте, @nellytheelephant. Помогите пожалуйста по английскому с двумя заданиями. Даю 100 баллов. Заранее благодарю. https://znanija.com/task/50766328
angel075nastya: Спасибо большое
Вас заинтересует