Доповніть речення правильними неозначеними займенниками 1. I put my soda down on the table, but _______________________ moved it! 2. The party is going to be great! _________________________ will be there. 3. Does ___________________ have change for a dollar so I can buy a soda? 4. I was disappointed because _____________ that I invited came to the party. 5. Rachel was so popular that __________________ wanted to sit next to her. 6. ___________________ left the freezer open, and the ice cream melted. 7. The teacher said I could bring cupcakes for ________________ in the class. 8. Henry was surprised that _________________ sent him a birthday card in the mail, but did not sign the card. 9. That painting is so simple. _____________________ could have painted it. 10. The teacher passed the math tests out to ________________, and the room was suddenly quiet. 11. ____________________ can bake a cake like Grandma Anna. Hers are the best! 12. Has _____________________ seen my blue notebook? I can’t find it anywhere! 13. _________________ called my house, but they hung up without saying a word.​


Ответ дал: smailovaaigerim170

Ответ:1)somebody2)everyone3)anyone4)no one5)everyone6)someone7)everyone8)somebody


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