13 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous,
be going to or will.
1 A: I.am.seeing. (see) Jim at 8 o'clock 5 A: Have you decided what to get Jim for his
B: Really? I thought he was away on a
business trip.
2 A: Would you like something to drink?
B: I......
a glass of orange juice, please.
3 A: What time
(the bus/leave)?
B: In half an hour.
... (have)
4 A: I don't understand this exercise, Dad.
B: OK, Peter I
(help) you.
B: Yes. I
(buy) him a watch.
6 A: I... (go) to the cinema. There's
a new film on. Would you like to come?
B: What time
(the film/start)?
7 A: Look at that car!
B: Oh no! It
(hit) the lamppost!
8 A: The Ting Tings
(play) a concert at Wembley Stadium.
B: I know. I have already bought a ticket.
дам 25 б



Ответ дал: saidovamushtariy00


i hope that it's true ..............

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