3. виконати вправу. Розкрити дужки, поставити дієслова в дужках в Present Perfect Passive Voice
1) Five fish (to catch) by my father this Sunday.
2) A mistake (to make) by Den in today's test.
3) How many chestnut trees (to plant) this year?
4) The room not (to decorate)yet.
5) All the biscuits (to eat) by children.
6)...the car (to steal) this night?
7) The Fly-tipping just (to see) in the square.
8) The problem of using dangerous chemicals (to rise) in the issue.

СРОЧНО!!!! ​


Ответ дал: lula97
1) were caught
2) was made
3) were planted
4) decorated
5) were eaten
6) was stolen
7) was seen
8) was raised
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