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In my opinion, teachers give too much homework.

Every day I have 7 lessons and tutors 4 times a week. I have to do 5 homeworks a day, and 4 tutors homeworks a week, so I don’t have time to go out with my friends.

If we talk about the advantages of homework, then you practice and understand the topic better, and the teacher can’t tell you everything, so the children read the topic again at home. And the disadvantages are homework eats up free time and excess homework causes children to feel ‚burnt out‘.

I think that sometimes it is difficult for children to do all the homework, so teachers should give homework that will take children 20 minutes.

What do you think about homework?

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Ответ дал: kirillkuprianov58


Every day I have 7 lessons and tutors 4 times a week..Me need to complete my homework,but I want have fun with my friends.In week,I must do 49(смотря сколько дней в неделю,может быть 42 и 35).а дальше перепиши,изменяя пару the children read the topic-you must read the topic again it


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