можете помочь ответить на вопросы по тексту??❤︎︎❤︎︎
1. What does "friendship" mean?
2. Do they make our life interesting?
3. Do you trust your friend?
4. How old is Alex?
5. Does he selfish?
6. Do they study in the same school?



Ответ дал: zhuldyzn54


1. friendship is a special relationship between people. people need this relationship because they except help and comfort from each other.

2.They make our life brighter and interesting. for me they're part of my family.

3.I truly trust to my friend. because he's really important to me and he's only one person who always honest with me and always closer to me.

4. Alex is 12 year old.

5.No he isn't selfish. he always take care about he's best friend and always helping to him.

6.Yes, they're study in the same school.

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