Допоможіть будь ласка англійська мова 6 клас всі вправи мені треба здати в 7:00 ранку Будь ласка допоможіть


munchberg435606: Пжпжпж срочно


Ответ дал: dashka000102
1. The cat is lying on the rug.
2. The dog is next to to the cat.
3. They are in front of the fire.
4. The fire is between the two bookcases.
5. A clock is above the fire.
6. A letter is behind the clock
7. My school bag is under the table
8. The table is opposite the sofa

1. Sink

2. Bedside table

3. Rug

4. Next to

5. Opposite

1. Sink

2. Bedside table

3. Rug

4. Next to

5. Opposite

1. Sorry, I was in the SHOWER and I didn't hear the phone.
2. Leave the bath and the WASHBASIN clean, please!
3. The light SWITCH in my bedroom isn't working.
4. Granddad is in his ARMCHAIR.
5. Don't walk on the FLOOR with your dirty boots! It's clean.
6. I like a dark bedroom at night so I always close my CURTAINS.
7. When I lie on my bed and look at the CEILING, I can see a strange mark.
8. My essay was on my DESK but it isn't there now.
8 задание kitchen, window, sink, living, sofa, wardrobe, carpet, walls, bathroom

munchberg435606: Дякую
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