hon health is above a) the the b.) ----- 2 nealth c) An, the dit, a. 2 Do sit down! Mr. Brown will, join you... a moment a) on Bat c) in d) for 3. My homework is the.... in class a worst b) bad c) worse. 4 It dibadder rain this afternoon. 5h a) is adle to be had to gmay d) might you like a cup of coffee? a) should b) would c) Might d) could. 6 --- kate live a was b)IS 9 Does near Dick? ў d) Do There is hobody in the class All the students have.... home ggone for been the test...... well доне b) a) is-doing b) done 9 I am d) is done b) done c) will-do sorry ___ you ka mita a) to disturb d) disturbs. to He mustn't go out. I'm going to ____ не his mother about it a stress b) talk c) Say d) tell b) dis turbed ddisturb​



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 b

2 с

3 a

4 d

5 b

6 c

7 a

8 d

9 a


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