if i was president i'd...
10 предложения ​


Ответ дал: saixw


If I were president, then I would do everything to make people live well, so that they really enjoy being in our country, I would make our country more beautiful, I would make sure that there was no garbage anywhere, and that homeless animals didn’t roam the streets of our city, I would never start a war and protect the inhabitants and their homeland even at the cost of my life. I would also like to make our air cleaner, because we have a lot of exhaust gases in our country. People should protect nature, not litter, as we ourselves are responsible for cleanliness and order in our country, in our city. ^ To be president, one must study well, because it is a great responsibility to one's people and country. You cannot be a good president if you do not know how your people live and breathe. I would like to lower food prices, build more new educational institutions so that ALL children can receive knowledge and education. Build more hospitals so that all people can receive free medical care.

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