допоможіть з контрольной будьласка даю 40 балов



Ответ дал: dm1ka2f


1. сладости/конфеты;

2. мешок муки;

3. соленое и горькое;

4. картофельное пюре(толченка);

5. три блюда(хотя никогда не слышал, чтоб так говорили).

6. замороженный.

7. хлопья;

8. овощи;

9. куриный бульон;

10. суп с лапшой;

11. отбивная;

12. кислое молоко;


1. How often do you cook sandwiches?

2. What do you cook every day?

3. Who cook everyday?

4. When do you cook sandwiches?

5. How do you cook sandwiches?

6. Why do you cook sandwiches?


1. When did they eat fish soup and mashed potatoes?

2. With what did they eat fish soup?

3. What did they eat?

4. Who did eat it?

5. Why did they eat it?


1. When will your mother buy fruits?

2. Why will your mother buy fruits?

3. What will your mother buy tommorow?

4. How many fruits will your mother buy tommorow?

5. Who will buy fruits tommorow?

6. How often does your mother buy fruits?


1) My favourite dish is a french fries, they are really delicious.

2) I have dinner at 3 pm.

3) I like to drink tea, coffee and juice.

4) I usually have for breakfast some toasts and omelet.

5) My favourite desserts are yogurt and ice cream. My favour desert located in Egypt.

6) My father has got some soup and desserts for a supper.

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