сomplete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Paul likes (play) chess with his father in his free time.

2. I'm looking forward to again after so long. (see) my cousin

3. James was really happy sister was having a baby. (hear) that his

4. Mary had difficulty in match her sofa. (find) curtains to

5. I borrowed my brother's jacket without (ask) and now he's angry.

6. Does your mum let you films? (watch) horror

7. I'll never forget (win) the competition.

8. When you decide remember (visit) the museum, (go) to the gift shop.

9. Julian always helps his father the car. (wash)

10. The teacher made the students in silence. (sit)​


Ответ дал: zebinisorayimqulova


1 plays

2 seeing

3 heard

4 finds

5 asked

6 watchs

7 win

8 visits, go

9 washs

10 sits

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