помоги пожалуйста даю всё баллы!
буду очень благодарен!
Task № 1: Open the brackets and put the verb into the necessary tense form. 1. We (not to speak) anything because, we were not hungry. 2. He often (to go) to the library when he (to study) at the university. 3. They (to publish) this article soon. 4. By the end of the year he (to learn) to speak French. 5. At our lessons we often (to read) and speak English or German. 6. The farmers (to pick) all the apples by the end of October. 7. My sister said that she (to want) for you at the station. 8. I already (to post) the letter. 9. He is on holiday. He (not to work) today. 10. He (to prepare) for his exams the whole day tomorrow.​



Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. did not speak
  2. went, was studying
  3. will publish
  4. will have learned
  5. read
  6. will have picked
  7. wanted for
  8. I have already posted
  9. does not work
  10. will be preparing

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