4 * Underline the correct option. 1 Be careful, you're going to fall/'ll fall over that box! 2 Next year, I'm going to study/'ll study Environmental Science. 3 I think computers will be/are going to be even smaller in the future. 4 I'm sure she's going to pass/'ll pass the test, 5 Stop talking or I'm going to cancel/'ll cancel tomorrow's trip. 6 William is going to start/will start his new school in the autumn. 7 Scientists believe that the planet will heat up/is going to heat up soon. 8 I'm not going to buy/won't buy a new computer because I don't have the money.Помогите дам 50 балов​


Ответ дал: djo93


1. 'll fall

2. I'm going to

3. will be

4. she will pass

5. 'll cancel

6. is going to start

7. is going to

8. I'm not going

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