составьте Диалог:
Вы планируете романтический отпуск с женой без детей. Но они хотят пойти с тобой. Поговорите с одним из них.

You're planning romantic vacation with your wife without the kids . But they want to go with you . Talk to one of them .​


Ответ дал: QUUSSS




Mike,I have not a very good news for you

Really?What are they?

We are planning to travel to Egypt with your mum,but we want to go together.Untderstand?

Really?I think that's cool.But what we are going to do without you?

You will go to your grandparents!

I didn't see them for years! I'm so happy to see them.

I'm starting packing my clothes tomorrow.

Yeah do it

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