.Find and correct the sentences with mistakes. Tick (✓) the correct sentences.

1 I need a apple for my snack.
2 There are some soft drinks in the fridge.
3 He is bringing any ice cream to the party.
4 My brother is baking an cake for my birthday.
5 We have some milk if you need it for your tea.
6 I don't want any beans, thank you​


Ответ дал: daemondemongirl

1) I need an apple for my snack

2) +

3) He is bringing some ice cream to the party

4) My brother is baking a cake for my birthday

5) +

6) +

Не забудь дати мені 5 зірочок якщо тобі допомогла моя відповідь, та зробити моя відповідь найкращим <3

kristinamatveeva285: Можешь ще допомогти?
daemondemongirl: ok
kristinamatveeva285: .Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any.
1 There is....... bread.
2 There are......... tomatoes.
3 There is.......... cheese.
4 There is.........apple.
5 There isn't.......... juice.
6 There aren't.........biscuits.
daemondemongirl: 1) some 2) some 3) some 4) an 5) any 6) any
kristinamatveeva285: дякую
daemondemongirl: пж :)
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