write about the places you visited last summer. start like this 

last summer I was.........
I was there with.........
 we visited........
 we went on an excursion to........
 it was.......

настася777: пишеш где ты была прошлого лета, скем ты была что вы посищяли, на каких екскуриях вы были и это было напишы fantastic


Ответ дал: eshanuedik
i had very good holidays last summer.last summer i went to the Black Sea.i was there with my parents and my sister(brother)we visited the beautiful Odessa, Patria cinema,and Deribassovskaya Street.we went on an excursion to the Opera House and the famous market Pryvoz ,and considered the Potemkin Stairs it has 192 steps.it was it was amazing and memorable,i enjoyed my summer holidays very much.
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