людииии!нужно написать интересные факты про англию,английский язык итд.на английском языке(желательно с переводом на русский)​


Ответ дал: naniko123

Ответ:1. England has two flags, one in red on a white background depicting St. George's Cross and a second United Kingdom flag with the coats of arms of Scotland and Ireland.

2. It is believed that in England, of course, they speak English, but it would be good if it were really so. They have their own language everywhere here, for example: in Cornwall they speak Connish, in Wales - Welsh, and in Scotland you will have to learn Gaelic. Writing a single word in Welsh can cover half a meter, words rarely contain vowels, instead consonants are grouped in pairs.

3. No matter where you are in England you will never be too far from the sea, the distance from any point to the sea is 80 miles.

4. There is an English fairy tale that is analogous to the Russian "Kalabok", but compared to the Russian one, the kalabok is called "Johnny-Cookie" and at the beginning of the story, the hero is running away from two working goats, not a rabbit.


zamiram031: спасииииибо♡
naniko123: ничего такого
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