Write the description of the setting and the atmosphere of the book you are currently (now) reading. 
50-70 words Pay attention to the following points: 
1. Write the name of the book and the author. 
2. Describe the setting.
3. Describe the atmosphere. 
4. Why do you think this is important? 
5. How does it make you feel?  ​
(напишите про любую книгу)

council1975: тут нужно описать какую книгу Вы читаете в эти дни
antonplayday: я прошу что бы написали про любую книгу
council1975: ок


Ответ дал: council1975


These days I am reading a book called Robinson Crusoe. The book was written by Daniel Defoe and it literally carries me back in time to the 18th century. The main character of the book finds himself on a remote deserted island after the ship on which he had sailed was crashed in a storm. Although the island looks like a tropical paradise Robinson Crusoe discovers that he must constantly struggle for his life because he doesn't have all necessary skills needed for survival the island. The book teaches me how it is important to never give up when I face a problem and find courage to proceed with a chosen way in life. The book  definitely makes me stronger, feeling more confident and less emotional when it comes to important decisions in my life.


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