1.1.2. Впишіть замість пропусків a, an, the або some там, де це необхідно: I bought … butter and … sugar. – Are you going to make … cake? What did you have for … lunch today? - … piece of cheese and … bread. I need … information for my history project. – Why don’t you go to … library? I’m going to … post office. Do you need anything? – Could you get me … stamps and … envelope, please? Grandpa is in … hospital. Grandma went to … hospital to see Grandpa. You need … visa to visit … foreign countries. When we reached … city centre, … shops were still open but most of them were already closed. Have you finished with … book I lent you last week?​


Ответ дал: donchachok

I bought a butter and a sugar. – Are you going to make a cake? What did you have for the lunch today? - An piece of cheese and a bread. I need some information for my history project. – Why don’t you go to the library? I’m going to the post office. Do you need anything? – Could you get me some stamps and some envelope, please? Grandpa is in the hospital. Grandma went to the hospital to see Grandpa. You need an visa to visit the foreign countries. When we reached the city centre, some shops were still open but most of them were already closed. Have you finished with the book I lent you last week?

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