7 3 Complete the sentences using will or be going to and the verbs. be buy eat feel not like play not watch win are going to eat Mia and Ollie I know you'll be singer one day. 1 Amelia is ill, but I think she that pizza later. a famous better tomorrow. 2 Guess what! I spoke to my dad last night and he me that old guitar the music shop. 3 'What's your prediction for the match?' 'I think our team 3-0.' 4 That song is terrible. I'm sure you it. 5 At the school concert on Saturday, we some samba music. that programme on 61 TV later. I've got different plans.​



Ответ дал: denissevcuk409


But i think she'll be better tomorrow. Guess what! I spoke to my dad last night and he'll buy me that old guitar in the music shop. What's your prediction for the match? I think our team win 3-0. That song is terrible. I'm sure you'll not like it. At the school concert on Saturday, we played some samba music. I won't watch that programme on TV later. I've got different plans.

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