1.Fill in: everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody, everything, something, anything,
somewhere, nowhere
1. I can’t find my keys____.
2. ‘What did you have to drink?’ ‘I didn’t drink ____, only water.’
3. ____ was at the party: all our friends and family were there.
4. ‘Did you see ____ interesting at the party?’ ‘_____Only boring people.’
5. _____ robbed a bank yesterday. They took a lot of money.
6. ‘Have you eaten ____?’___ ‘. I’m very hungry.’
7. Can I stay here tonight? I have ___ to go.’
8. ____ is big in New York; the streets, the buildings, the cars, even the hamburgers.
9. Do you want ____ to eat?
10. ____ can play this game.
2. Answer the questions about your room:
1. What is there in your room?
2. Is it cozy?
3. What household chores do you do in your room?
4. What would you like to change in your room?
3. Put the verbs in present simple, present continuous, present perfect:
1. Mary often (to do) the washing up.
2. We already (to see) this film twice.
3. He (to fix) the furniture today.
4. I just (to take out) trash. The room is clean.
5. you ever (to be) in New York?
6. Jane (to make) lunch at the moment.


Ответ дал: resentler



1. anywhere

2. anything

3. everybody

4. anything, nothing

5. somebody

6. anything, nothing

7. nowhere

8. everything

9. anything

10. everybogy


1. There is a table in my room.

2. Yes, it is cozy.

3. I clean up my room and make my bed.

4. I would like to add more chairs in my room.


1. does

2. We have alteady seen

3. fixes

4. I have just taken out

5. Have you ever been

6. is making

Good luck!


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