Fill in the table. Match the animals with their parts of the body and write down the names of body parts in the table. You can use these words more than once. Заполните таблицу. Соотнесите животных с частями тела. Части тела можно использовать больше одного раза.

Use these words: talons, scale, whiskers, trunk, horns, mane, tusk, wing, fangs, antlers, shell, beak, fin, web, hoof, paw, claws, feather, gills, humps.

Animals Body Parts
1) a snake
(2 words)

2) an eagle (4)

3) a zebra (2)

4) a tiger (3)

5) a fish (3)

6) a snail (2)

7) an elephant (2)

8) a deer (2)

9) a duck (4)

10) a camel (2)











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Ответ дал: eva514886


а snake

an eagle

a zebra

a tiger

a fish

a snail

an elefhant

a deer

a duck

a camel

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