~ Write the questions in reported speech.
"What is the weather forecast for
tomorrow?" Brian asked
"Is it going to rain today?" asked Rob
"Did you find any survivors?" the
reporter asked the rescuers
"Could you lend me an umbrella?" Zita asked Joe
"row i is statue?" she asked the
museum guide.
"Will you be in the school team next year?" Mike asked Laura.
"Have you ever seen a tornado?" Tim asked Mark.
"Where did you buy your ski equipment?" Ray asked Stephen.


Ответ дал: ezzamarria

1. Brian asked what the weather forecast was for the next day.

2. Rob asked if it was going to rain that day.

3. The reporter asked the rescuers if they had found some survivors.

4. Zita asked Joe if she could lend her an umbrella.

5. Запись непонятная.

6. Mike asked Laura if she would be in the school team the following year.

7. Tim asked Mark if he had ever seen a tornado.

8. Ray asked Stephen where she had bought her ski equipment.

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