Second conditional 4 Choose the correct words. If you have had some money, what songs did / would you download? 1 Would he feels / feel better if we 're stopping / stopped talking? 2 She's ban /'d ban rock music if she was/'d be in the government. 3 If they listened / 'll listen, they'd hear / hear the music. 4 If the weather was / would be nicer, we'd play / played football outside. 5 What do / would you say if Justin Bieber walked / would walk in right now?​



Ответ дал: denissevcuk409


1 feel + stopped 2 She'd + was 3 If they'll listen + They'd hear 4 Weather Was nicer, we'd play football, 5 What would you say + Would Walk in right now?

magdalenatrudo: допоможіть будь ласка з вправою в мене на сторінці ( умовні речення). в профілі дві однакових вправи на 50 балів. дякую
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