Task 2. Put each verb into a form of the Present Perfect.
1 What's the matter? You (cut) yourself?
2. 1 (have) a headache since lunchtime.
3. Mary never (see) any Chinese films.
4. Someone (steal) my bicycle.
5. The passengers are tired because they (not sleep) all night.
6. I'm afraid we just (break) your window.
7. David (not win) a prize this time.
8. I never (drive) a car before.
9. You ever (eat) Spanish food?
10. She (wear) the same old dress for a month.


Ответ дал: Svyd12
  1. You have cut yourself?
  2. I have a headache since lunchtime.
  3. Mary never has seen any Chinese films.
  4. Someone has stolen my bicycle.
  5. The passengers are tired because they haven't slept all night.
  6. I'm afraid we just have broken your window.
  7. David hasn't won a prize this time.
  8. I never have driven a car before.
  9. You ever have eaten Spanish food?
  10. She has wearied the same old dress for a month.
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