Підкреслить Participle I та Participle II; визначте функції кожного з них – означення, обставина чи дієслово.

1. The water-melon growing in that field does not seem ripe yet.
2. The metric System invented in France has the following fundamental units: the meter is a unit of length, the kilogram is a unit of mass, etc.
3. An automobile begins his life in the fully mechanized assembly department.
4. Spring is felt in the air; it is quite warm today.


Ответ дал: wwhab


1. In physics, there are seven fundamental physical quantities (which are measured in base units, or fundamental physical units): length, mass, time, electric current, temperature, amount of a substance, and luminous intensity.

2. This page explains the two most common systems of measurement: the metric system, used widely in Europe and most of the rest of the world, and the Imperial or British system, a form of which is now chiefly used in the USA.

3. At this time, only three countries—Burma, Liberia, and the US—have not adopted the International System of Units (SI, or metric system) as their official system of weights and measures." We should point out that even these three countries do use elements of the metric system

4. Imperial units

units of measurement of the British Imperial System, the traditional system of weights and measures used officially in Great Britain from 1824 until the adoption of the metric system beginning in 1965. The United States Customary System of weights and measures is derived from the British Imperial System.

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