Написати рецепт будь-якої української або британської національної страви (інгредієнти, процес приготування).(на англыйській мові)


Ответ дал: barbaraklim2020


Borsch is a Ukrainian national dish, also it is my favourite dish. I will tell you about the ingredients:

  • beetroot
  • onion
  • meat
  • tomatoes or tomato paste
  • carrots
  • potatoes
  • greens
  • cabbage
  • salt
  • powder pepper
  • sunflower oil

To make borsch, first peel and chop vegetables: beetroot, onion, greens, cabbage and slice meat. Next boil all you have in a big pot. First, you should boil meat then add vegetables that need a longer time of cooking: beetroot, carrot, then potatoes, onion and cabbage. Finally, wait a few hours and borsch is ready to eat.You can add some sour cream to borsch, but it is optional. Enjoy your meal!

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