Даю 30 баллов!! помогите с англ!!!

1. Look! That car has had an accident.
-Oh, no. I........ an ambulance!
a) will call
b) am calling
c) am going to call
2. Look, that plane.......!
a) is crashing
b) is going to crash
c) will crash
d) Вариант 4
3. My elder son says he___a doctor when he grows old
a) is being
b) is going to be
c) will be
4. _____anything tomorrow evening ? No, nothing special.
a) Are you going to do
b) Are you doing
c) Will you do
5. We are thirsty.
- Wait here. I .......... get some water.
a) will
b) am getting
c) am going to get
6. Why do you want so many oranges?
- I.................... make an orange juice.
a) am going to make
b) am making
с) will make
7.It`s too hot in the room Don't worry, I_____the windows for you !
a) will open
b) am going to open
c) am opening
8. We need one more player.
- .............. you play with us tomorrow?
a) Will
b) Are you going to
c) Do
9. ______show me what you've done while I've been out ?
a) Will you
b) Are you going to
c) Do you
10. What are you going to give her for your anniversary ? I don't know yet. I ____
a) will see
b) am going to see
c) see
11. Let`s go out!
I .............. with you if you like.
a) come
b) am going to come
c) will come
12. Look out ! This car .......!
a) will crash
b) is going to crash
c) is crashing


Ответ дал: wiccm
5.b or c
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