Exercise 2. Put the verb into the correct form, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1. Are you hungry? Do you want (you/want) something to eat?
2. Nicky ______________ (think) of giving up her job.
3. (you/ believe) ___________________ in God?
4. I _______________ (feel) hungry. Is there anything to eat?
5. Who is that man? What ______________________ (he/want)?
6. Who is that man? Why ______________________ (he/look) at us?
7. Alan says he’s 80 years old, but nobody _____________ (believe) him.
8. She told me her name, but I _____________________ (not/remember) it now.
9. Air _________________ (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.
10. I can’t understand why he _______________ (be) so selfish. He isn’t usually like that.
11. He never thinks about other people. He _________ (be) very selfish.
12. Excuse me, ______________ (you/speak) English? – Yes, a bit.
13. Listen to those people. What language __________________ (they/speak)?
14. Let’s go out. It _______________ (not/ rain) now.
15. You _____________________ (always/ watch) television. You should do something more active.
16. The rate of unemployment ________________ (decrease) slowly.
17. Water ________________ (freeze) at 0 degrees Celsius.
18. We _________________ (go) to the opera next Saturday.
19. The hole in the ozone layer _________________ (become) bigger and bigger.
20. Mammals _____________ (feed) their babies on milk.
21. “What’s that noise?” – “It _______________ (sound) like Jane playing her trumpet!”
22. I ______________________ (never go) to that restaurant again! The food was horrible.
23. The Greens _____________________ (play) golf with my parents this weekend.
24. “What do you know about snakes?” – “I know that they are reptiles and they ____________ (lay) eggs.”
25. “Your hair _________________ (look) great today! Have you had it cut?” – “Yes, I had it done yesterday.”
26. Every morning when I ________________ (wake up) I ____________ (smell) fresh coffee coming from the kitchen.

Exercise 3. Using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets, complete the sentences, as in the example.

1. Ralph is getting frustrated because the meal he ordered hasn’t been served yet. (wait)
He has been waiting for his meal.
2. The estate agent is taking down the “For Sale” sign in front of the house. (sell)
He _______________________ the house.
3. Jerry is travelling to London on Tuesday. (book)
He ___________________ a plane ticket.
4. Samantha is reading a letter from Maureen. (receive)
She ___________________ from her.
5. John started fixing the washing machine this morning. (repair)
He ___________________ it since 9 a.m.
6. Rachel is getting out of bed. (just/wake up)
She _____________________.
7. Lisa started working for us in 1992. (work)
She _______________________ for us since 1992.
8. Elaine is still waiting for the bus. (come/yet)
It _________________________.

Exercise 4. Put the verb into the more suitable form, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Where have you been? Have you been playing (you/play) tennis?
2. Look! _______________________________ (somebody/break) that window.
3. You look tired. _________________________ (you/work) hard?
4. “_____________________________ (you/ever/work) in a factory?” “No, never.”
5. “Liz is away on holiday.” “Is she? Where _____________________ (she/go)?”
6. My brother is an actor. _____________________________ (he/appear) in several films.
7. “Sorry I’m late.” “That’s all right. _________________________ (I/not/wait) long.”
8. “Is it still raining?” “No, _______________________ (it/stop).”
9. ________________ (I/lose) my address book. _________________________ (you/see) it?
10. _________________ (I/read) the book you lent me, but __________________ (I/not/finish) it yet. It’s very interesting.

Аноним: Помогу с заданиями по любому предмету почти в любое время, бесплатно) Если интересно - пиши в тг @hilariousznanija


Ответ дал: rainnyy
2. Nicky is thinking of giving up her job
3. Do you believe in God?
4. I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat?
5. Who is that man? What does he want?
6. Who is that man? Why is he looking at us?
7. Alan says he’s 80 years old,but nobody believed him
8. She told me her name,but I don’t remember it now
9. Air is consisted mainly of nitrogen and oxygen
10. I can’t understand why he is being so selfish. He isn’t usually like that
11. He never thinks about other people. He is always being very selfish
12. Excuse me, do you speak English?
- yes a bit
13. Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?
14. Let’s go out, it’s not raining now
15. You are watching television. You should do something more active
16. The rate of unemployment is decreasing slowly
17. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius
18. We are going to the opera next Saturday
19. The hole in ozone layer is becoming bigger and bigger
20. Mammals fed their babies on milk
21. “What’s that noise?”
- “it sounds like Jane playing her trumpet!”
22. I will never go to that restaurant again! The food was horrible
23. The greens will be playing golf with my parents this weekend
25. Your hair looks great today
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